Brandy Smash

Made with Brandy

main ingredients

  • Mint leaves (fresh) - 4 to 6
  • Superfine sugar - 1teaspoon
  • Club soda - 1ounce
  • Brandy - 2ounce
  • Garnish: orange slice - As needed
  • Garnish: maraschino cherry - As needed
Gather the ingredients.
Muddle the mint, sugar, and club soda in an old-fashioned glass.
Fill the glass with ice cubes or cracked ice.
Add the brandy and stir well.
Garnish with an orange slice and cherry. Serve and enjoy.

Be sure to mix the sugar with the soda until it is completely dissolved. You can make superfine sugar from granulated sugar; it is recommended because the finer grains dissolve better.
To avoid that entirely, use a 1:1 simple syrup instead; 1/4 ounce (1 1/2 teaspoons) is a good place to start. Some recipes use up to 3/4 ounce, though that can be too sweet for most brandies.
Gomme syrup is often used in alcohol-heavy cocktails like this, and 1 teaspoon will give the brandy smash a silky texture.